The Green Hornet
Stars - Seth Rogen
Jay Chou
Christoph Waltz
Directed by: Michael Gondry
Summary: Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.
The Green Hornet is a fun, action-packed comedy/superhero hybrid. It's faithful enough, but original where it needs to be. Christoph Waltz, who is extremely impressive and quickly becoming one of my favorite scenery chewers, is great as the slightly unsure of himself bad guy trying to be hip. There are some excellent and well thought out action scenes, mostly featuring Jay Chou as the one-named sidekick/chauffeur Kato. Seth Rogen is capable as the playboy cum masked vigilante without relying too much on the comedic goofball persona he is normally known for.
In all honesty, the only real downside for me was in the consistently bad acting of Cameron Diaz as the uninterested love interest. How she keeps being considered a quality addition to any cast is beyond my powers of reason. Luckily, she doesn't feature too much in the film.
In summation, fun film, well worth watching. Predictable maybe, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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